

Sat May 04 2024

Father Timm Memorial Programming Contest

To keep pace with the ever-evolving world of technology and to provide the youth of this nation with the skills they need to thrive in the IT field, the Notre Dame Information Technology Club proudly presented its annual national programming contest, FTMPC 4.0 (Father Timm Memorial Programming Contest 4.0). This event was the follow-up to FTMPC 3.0, the seminal national contest held in 2023, and it continued to set new standards for excellence.

A huge thanks to our Moderator, Advisors, Executive Committee, Organizers, and Volunteers, whose dedication and hard work made this event a tremendous success. We can't wait to see you at the next chapter, FTMPC_5.0. We hope to welcome back familiar faces and meet new ones. Until then, stay safe and take care. Goodbye, and we look forward to seeing you soon!