
INIT 2.0

Fri Sep 13 2019

Robots rushing after football to score goals against each other! Look there - Battle of Bots. Sparks coming from the clashes of their metal bodies. And the sounds from above? The drones. Machines in the factories, self-driving cars, surgical operation robots – that's the future of technology. Technology is advancing like never before, and as humans, it is up to all of us to make sure we are not left behind. Humans are superior to machines. They always were. They always will be. It is humans who build machines and invent technology.

To celebrate and appreciate the advancing technology and the genius minds behind it, to promote the inventors, the creators, and the technology lovers – NDITC_init 2019 came back with a radical redesign from last year's events. This time around, we hosted many more events where tech enthusiasts flourished their creative and technical talents. Spot N Go, Clash Bots, Copter Rush, and Truss Challenge were some of the exciting events.