
Breaking The </script>

Tue Jul 21 2020

Since its inception in 1995, JavaScript has been growing into the most popular, dominant language of the web. Over the last decade, the adoption of JS has only been growing, showing no signs of slowing down.

According to StackOverflow’s annual survey, 69.8% of respondents and 71.5% of professional developers use JavaScript today. With the prevalence of more web-enabled devices, the race to come up with the best ‘one size fits all solution’ grows bigger. This is great news for developers who either know JS or are planning to learn it. For those far from the front-end world, suggestions are for them to try and gain (even basic) experience with it. This quote sums it up perfectly: “This [JavaScript] is perhaps the hottest skill developers need to up-skill in for the foreseeable future”

This was a free short course for absolute beginners of JavaScript containing 4 different live sessions. Students with a basic knowledge over HTML joined the sessions. The whole course was conducted online and every participant who completed all 4 sessions got a participation certificate. There was also a quick contest after the sessions and the best learner was awarded.